Sunday, July 7, 2024

Joe Biden Must Retire

 The Democratic Party needs to replace Joe Biden or they will lose the election. Biden’s ego threatens the Republic. Biden kept reminding us to look at the alternative. It made me angry being told I had to vote for Biden to save Democracy. Our choices are supposedly between an evil man who has no concept of Democracy and a geriatric egomaniac who we the majority of Democrats did not want. We were told we had to save Democracy by by voting for someone we never wanted and didn’t choose.

Many people think Biden did a good job in his three years in office. When he decided to run again for President he put it all at risk. I believe any of the possible Democratic candidates other than Biden could beat Trump. In the last year Biden’s reelection at best has been a big if. Now Trump has a good chance of beating Joe Biden. America’s future is at stake and Biden's bid to be reelected is too big a risk. The likelihood that Trump could win became almost a certainty with Biden’s Debate performance. Of course committed Democrats will vote for Biden instead of Trump but all those Republicans who hate Trump, undecideds and independents are deciding they don’t want an addled old man who will very likely die in office.

I think arguments about facts, actual competency, what’s good for the country, who would be better, all those questions are irrelevant. If Biden runs for President he will lose.

I don’t buy the premise that it’s too late to change. I think there is a good chance that given a decent choice between a functioning Democrat and Donald Trump that certainly all Democrats will support and vote for the Democrat and maybe a good number of other people who don’t want Donald Trump. I think that’s very likely. I don’t think the African American vote, the youth vote, the Hispanic vote, or any other way of divvying up the American voter is going to be important when the choice is between a reasonable person and Donald Trump. I’m counting on the Democratic Party to at least deliver up a reasonable candidate. I think that’s likely.

Let’s get on with it. Thank you, Joe for a lifetime of dedicated service. History will say you were a good Senator, a very good Vice President and maybe an excellent President. I’m not a Centrist. I haven’t been satisfied for a long time. But I always vote Democratic. Now give me a choice. Retire and enjoy your legacy. Anything else is risking the Republic itself.

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